Brave 2012 torrenrt
Brave 2012 torrenrt

brave 2012 torrenrt brave 2012 torrenrt

Although there are no product placements in the movie, there's a ton of Brave merchandise available, particularly aimed at girls. Brave is set in the mystical Scottish Highlands, where Mérida is the princess of a kingdom ruled by King Fergus and Queen Elinor. There's no romance for Princess Merida, but you can expect a few jokes about men being naked under their kilts a couple of scenes even include quick glimpses of naked cartoon bums belonging to men and three young boys. The first Pixar movie to revolve around a female main character, Brave does have a strong message about family relationships and open communication between parents and kids (particularly mothers and daughters). There's also a lot of brawling among the Scotsmen, who use both weapons (arrows, swords, etc.) and their bodies (fists, teeth) on each other. A moment when the mom-turned-bear temporarily forgets she's human and growls at her daughter could upset younger kids. Several intense sequences involve a large angry bear that attacks the main characters - which are even more so when seen in 3-D - and (possible spoiler alert) a possibly disturbing but mostly comical transformation of a mother into a bear. Parents need to know that Brave is pretty scary for a "princess movie," especially for kids under 7 and/or those who are very sensitive to peril.

Brave 2012 torrenrt